I have seen of a lot of YouTube videos of Birchboxes and I just decided to try one myself, seeing as though this box looked quite good and I thought it would make a change to having Glossyboxes. When you open the outer packaging, there is a small cardboard box inside, which says Birchbox on it. When you open the box, you see the literature that comes with every box, including a product list. Underneath the literature, the products you get are packaging in a canvas pull string bag, this month’s bag is green like the Brazilian flag because the box is kind of football themed. When I opened the bag, I was amazed to find that I had got some star products (beautyblender & theBalm cream). I was only expecting to get one or the other! The OPI polish also comes in a small mint coloured cardboard box inside the bag. Here is what I received overall this month:- Beautyblender Classic and Blendercleanser Solid Kit | £26 – BeautyBlender.co.uk | I have heard about this s